€333 for 1 year access






Gain access to the tools & resources I have developed over the past 10 years of astrological & reprogramming work and the past 5 years of running my company. We move through the pillars of profound self-awareness of your unique nature (astrology & masterclasses). To reprogramming tools for your mind & body that remove what is blocking direct access to your divine intelligence (hypnosis, reprogramming tracks, EFT videos). To integrating this into your daily life so that you can move towards your desires for love, success and abundance in a supported and empowered way (roadmaps & at home retreats).  

€333 for 1 year access

"I cannot recommend her work and presence enough. She is such an inspiration and light."

Working with Daisy was a truly beautiful and transformative experience. Her magic, wisdom, and genuine heart create a space for deep healing. Whether virtual or in person, Daisy made me feel comfortable to embrace vulnerability, allowing profound shifts in my business and self-relationship. She is an inspiration and light, making the world more beautiful and authentic. Thank you, Daisy." - Luisa

"The person I am, the person I know I’ve always been was unleashed, uncovered, cleansed of all society’s expectations. The person I am becoming, is unbound, courageous, confident, powerful, limitless."

"I was reminded of my power, my energy, how valuable I am and what I have to offer this world. I was also reminded that it is my responsibility to create this for myself. That the balance between allowing it to integrate and taking inspired action is imperative. Working with Daisy shifted my life, allowed me to quantum leap my growth (which isn’t easy, and can physically make you feel dizzy sometimes). It connected me back to my true nature, something and someone I thought I was never going to be again.” - Maddi

"The shifts that have occurred within the time working with Daisy have been beyond belief."

"I have made new connections with friends who are more inline with my values. More job and business opportunities have presented themselves. I’ve had unknown medical conditions relating to my throat chakra come forward with the correct prognosis for a treatment. My business website which I’ve been working on for over 7 months has come to fruition and lastly I have been able to face my fears and become a radio presenter. The nontangible results are boundless! I have loads more confidence in social situations. I have gained more clarity and am clearer and stronger with my voice. I am able to make decisions more decisively by following my intuition and I’m able to work more closely, listening to my feminine and masculine energies. I would it give it a HELL YES to working with Daisy again and would highly recommend her to anyone looking to transform all areas of their life. The world needs more Daisy’s.” - Kirsten


Daisy Here




When I was younger, I always carried the pain of being misunderstood. I internalized that from a young age as there being something inherently wrong with me.

Because I didn't understand when I was younger that I was never born to 'fit in'. I was not born to have a 'rest' life but one of constant expansion and growth. I was born with the qualities of leadership & disrupting stigmas and labels. 

Like, because I love wearing beautiful clothing and designer fashion - I must be vapid and materialistic. Because I am an astrologist - I must be super woo-woo and think I am a unicorn. Because I am spiritual - I must do yoga and eat salad. Because I am confident - I must be a bitch.

All wrong.

I love my pizza. I love a hard rave. I love a day in bed watching netflix. I am obsessed with self-care and development. AA Michael is my go to for energetic maintenance. Astrology is my gift. And a new Prada handbag is one of the next desires on my manifestation list…..

Sounds of this resonating?

As I got older I realised that I had to be born into the wrong environment so that I never got too comfortable. So that I could spread my wings and become the woman I am today.

I’ve worked hard (within) to get to a place in my life where I’m unapologetic in my self expression and going for what I want. I am not willing to dim my light to make others feel comfortable in their insecurities. I am not willing to take responsibility for others BS.

Has this been super uncomfortable at times? Absolutely yes. But it has also brought me to the incredible relationships, thriving work and absolute dream lifestyle I live today. & I ain’t stopping here!! The best is yet to come. & that’s why my work is for…..

The woman who wants to be a better version of herself everyday. Who will never stop expanding into the infinite possibility of what is next. The woman who knows she has been born to be the change in this world. The woman who is not here to stay small and please. But shine no matter how uncomfortable it might feel at times.

The woman who desires & NEEDS to have the most authentically aligned relationships, friendship, career path, lifestyle possible. My work is for the woman who wants to take radical responsibility for her life & live her best life possible. The woman who knows she’s been born with special gifts to share & now just needs the support in being able to do so.

Hello womban. The FFD Membership is awaiting you. See you on the inside.


The first pillar in harnessing the power of the unique frequency that is you - is through radical self-awareness. Understanding the language of your soul through the birth chart. What your core authentic soul desires and organic nature be like!! This is where the monthly live community calls and educational astrological masterclasses come in to serve. 

Once we understand our authentic nature - we are confronted with the fears, insecurities and blocks that are currently standing in the way of self. This where the hypnosis and EFT videos come into serve as a direct tool to rewire your brain, thought & behavioural patterns and immediately release stored emotions that are keeping you held down from making more inspired actions and decisions.

Once we start to clear away our past limitations - we move into a space of freedom. To truly cultivate the life that we desire for ourselves. To be in epic co-creative manifesting flow with the universe. As a star-quality being you are choosing to live fully integrated in your mission, L O V E life and everything in-between. No more hiding, no more dimming. This is where the roadmaps, home-retreats and monthly live astrological community calls come into service. These support you in, every single day, stepping into the woman you were born to be. 

Let's have a look at everything that's inside...


You will gain access to hours of masterclasses that I have held over the past 5 years across the themes of astrology, empowerment, self-worth, manifestation and abundance.

Some examples of these include: Inner-Child Healing, Emotional Regulation and Wellbeing with the Archetypes, Master Your Reality, and Actualising Your Ascendant.

And so much more! + new upcoming masterclasses will be added to the library for community members.


You will gain access to powerful hypnotic tracks that I create blending astrology, planetary frequencies, meridian points (for emotional release & reprogramming) so that you are getting a fully integrated healing experience. Hypnosis is a direct way to rewiring your mind - clearing current blockages and then imprinting a new desired belief system. I am currently creating a track for each archetype/planet with each astrological season. This is to harness the power of this archetype within you to its optimum (we have every zodiac sign within us).

Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT) Videos

Inside the membership you gain access to my very popular Tapping With The Archetypes Video Library, where I have created an emotional release and re-imprinting tapping video for each archetype within you. I am also sharing tapping videos here across the themes of empowerment, wealth & abundance, reducing anxiety/stress, mood elevation & so much more.

“The energetic container of this mentorship has felt so supportive and nourishing. I am so grateful to have this work for life to always come back to.”

“The reprogramming I have experienced during Daisy's mentorship has been invaluable. I’m taking action on things I have procrastinated on for 4 years. I’ve had the confidence to raise my prices and charge my worth. I’ve gained more clarity around the branding and purpose of my business through Daisy’s personalised astrology wisdom. I have also never felt this balanced before?! I have been mastering the subtleties and the dance between the masculine and feminine energies throughout this journey, in a way that I haven’t experienced before. The energetic container of this mentorship has felt so supportive and nourishing. I am so grateful to have this work for life to always come back to. There’s so much that has been energetically shifting and now it feels super exciting to watch all these manifestations start to play out with ease, joy and ecstasy” - Gabby

"Working with Daisy is the greatest gift you can give yourself. "

"Before Daisy, I lacked clarity, held back by limiting beliefs. Now, I'm abundantly free, in flow, and aligned with my values. My consciousness shifted, self-sabotage decreased, and I gained clarity on my path. I acknowledge my worthiness, embracing abundance. Daisy brings a whole new world of possibilities. With self-mastery, I trust myself. Professional, human, trustworthy—Daisy is the coach you need. Completely held by this goddess and her magic. 100% recommend." - Naomi

“I call these ROADMAPS and special at-home self-retreats for each Astrological Season.”

After going through a lot of courses, education and resources myself I know what it’s like to get a lot of information presented at once!

It’s easy to get overwhelmed.

That’s why I have prepared a BONUS resource for YOU.

I call these ROADMAPS.

These roadmaps guide you through the content inside of our massive library and ensure you get the most out of the resources for your unique situation.

"With Daisy’s guidance, I expanded deeper into the truth of my being."

“She connected me to possibilities I did not dare to dream of myself, due of limiting believes. Thanks to her I remembered my inherent worth, sourced from within, rather than finding my worth in outer accomplishments. I became incredebly aware of deep programming I held my being, programming out of alignment with my purest essence. Daisy held immense space and strength, in the physical and energetics realms, for me to step out of that programming into more of myself. Now, knowing that feeling of moving in alignment, is like my compass. And when noticed I am not there, Daisy provided me with beautiful tools to bring myself back. The biggest treasure for me from the mentorship is that I now dare to believe I am worth of my heart’s desires. And even though there are still fears in the way of pursuing them. I am able how to navigate these fears and keep moving in the direction that brings me the most pleasure in life." - Melissa

By joining the FFD membership, you will always be among the first to receive available spots in her upcoming retreats, along with massive discounts on all of her offers and pre-party prices.

This is one of the many gifts you get back for making this energetic, financial, spiritual and emotional investment in your future. Starting with a whopping discount on her signature blueprint reading! You will find more

Who You'll Learn From...

Daisy Clementine Douglas is an evolutionary astrologer, self-mastery coach, hypnotist and abundance mindset leader that has been working and healing within the self-development realm for a decade.

Daisy believes that everybody deserves to be living an authentically fulfilling, abundant life doing what they love. She uses her gift of speaking directly to the soul and programs of the mind to uncover exactly what is needing to be worked through, cleared and healed so that her clients can step into their highest potential and most authentic & abundant selves. It is Daisy's mission to bring people back into a genuine state of empowerment.

Daisy has studied under numerous master astrologers and teachers to fuse her offerings with spiritual, metaphysical and psychological tools. Daisy travels the world holding masterclasses and now resides between Mexico City, Europe and Australia.

Daisy is a certified hypnotist, astrologist, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) practitioner, Time Techniques practitioner, life coach and EFT practitioner.

Lets take this journey together. I am here to help align you with your authentic nature and souls purpose so that you can generate and receive next-level abundance and beauty in all areas of life.


"I'm so grateful to have found someone that holds space that feels totally right, where we can have fun, embrace pleasure, enjoy aligned luxury standards without having to sacrifice integrity, vulnerabilities or real talk."

"I could not recommend more working with Daisy as her energetic & astral mastery is unique & the friendships I made during this program have been so healing & incredibly supportive to my process. I'm so grateful for Daisy to be creating & holding these unique spaces where one can be totally real about business/life/relationships practicalities & at the same time energetically expanded by the hypnosis, abundance activations & bespoke astrological support. Claiming the seat and trusting are things that don't come natural to me, even after years of doing "the work", so I'm so grateful to have found someone that holds space that feels totally right and supportive. I look forward to so much more of this in the future. SO much love to you!" - Margherita

"What you get out of this program far outweighs the investment you put in. It sets you up to take complete control of your life and expand in every direction."

What you get out of Daisy's mentorship far outweighs the investment you put in. It sets you up to take complete control of your life and expand in every direction. After being in Daisy's mentorship, I personally feel like it was a steal. I am so grateful I took the chance on myself. The universe caught me and if this feels right and good in your body then the universe will catch you too!” - Abby

"My life continues to improve steadily through the ups and downs and I am equipped with new tools to self-soothe and embrace the powerful and compassionate woman I am."

“There was no doubt in my mind that Daisy's mentorship would be short of life-changing. This was the biggest investment I have ever made in myself and this fact alone has created enormous momentum moving forward. A lot has transformed from that moment and since then nothing has ever been the same again. My life continues to improve steadily through the ups and downs and I am equipped with new tools to self-soothe and embrace the powerful and compassionate woman I am. Daisy is a present, gentle, and powerful space holder. She has an incredible light energy and profound ability to know the right moment of when to step in and when to create space, allowing the group dynamic to flow naturally with fun, ease, and safety. I love working with her so much and would only recommend it to any woman who is looking to be held as they create big changes in her life." — Saraamina



Yes, that’s right. I am taking the past decade(+) of over multiple 6+ figures that I have invested in programs, coaches, my studies, along with all of the time, energy, mistakes, emotional turmoil that I’ve learned from to present you the cutting-edge, straight-to-the-point alchemical resources and transformational process inside this membership.

Think bigger-picture, longer-term. You want to make decisions today that make you a better person tomorrow. That create more excitement, lightness, expansiveness in the way you show up in this world & for your community - which makes you a powerful magnet to amazing opportunities, people, places, experiences - that are in alignment with the dream reality you are cultivating for yourself. This is what the membership platform provides for you.

You are your most important investment.

The tools included in this platform are not something for you to digest once but to continue to use as ongoing resources of support to facilitate your growth, healing, integration and expansion. Along with that, new resources will continue to be added during our time together every month.

It is time to unapologetically reclaim your shine, feel safe & celebrated taking up space in this world & step into the leadership, change-maker role you were born for. No more hiding.

The journey of growth never ends which means you just keep getting better and better. This is why I created the FFD Membership for never-ending growth, expansion and support on your journey of rewiring the the technology of your soul to be your most elevated version of self.

I hope to see you on the inside.


 €333 one year access

"I have become much more anchored in my truth and in my energy, feeling more confident and owning my business with much more excitement and clarity!"

"Also through the hypnosis track, I can not only feel how my subconscious has been reprogrammed but I can also see it in my environment, it responds to the new frequency that I’m vibrating out and I also notice myself acting differently & taking action. Besides that, so many people have been magnetised to me which allowed me to make soulful connections. Your energy, your wisdom, you as a person, Daisy, are just pure gold. It was an absolute honour to be able to work with you and I’m sure it won’t be the last. I would absolutely recommend you to anyone who is interested in diving deeper into themselves, ready to level up their life massively and own who they are to the fullest." — Camille B.

"A truly beautiful conscious, intuitive, emotional and deep journey to create a life with abundance, success and happiness.”

“I 100% recommend Daisy as a coach because she will open up doors and windows that you never knew even existed. Through Daisy, I understood the beauty & benefits of balancing the masculine and feminine and how this affects me in all parts of my life, not just business. What I loved most about working with Daisy is that she has a unique gift of working with the unconscious and the conscious elements that we experience. With Daisy, I was able to unlock a much deeper level of thought and feeling - which gave me a much more comprehensive understanding. Daisy is an incredible role model who shows love and celebration for your absolute magic superpower and holds a lot of love understanding and positive encouragement to hold space for past traumas to work on them. A truly beautiful conscious, intuitive, emotional and deep journey to create a life with abundance, success and happiness.” — Lisa

“Daisy's work will give you wings.”

“Daisy’s work is like a warm hug from the divine that lifts you up to the next level. This work will give you wings.

There is so much space for you in this container (The Birth of Venus & Hermes) and it holds a frequency of luxury I had never experienced before.

I felt massive shifts from the moment I signed up, big activations and major realisations. Not just in my business, but also in my personal life.

The moment you commit to drinking every sip of what Daisy sends your way you are in for the biggest treat and expansion YET." — Darleen